Three Things Lately.

I’m in the mood to share folks, so let me share with you a few new bits and pieces I have discovered in January. Well, new to me anyway. I have always been a wee bit late to the party! 🙂

Firstly let’s talk about a Film.  If you like your movies to have a retro arty feel then The Diary of a Teenage Girl has that in spades. Set in 1970’s San francisco , with a 70’s soft rock soundtrack ( think Heart’s Dreamboat Annie) , this is a sometimes cringingly honest but very refreshingly frank tale of a young girl’s sexual awakening.


British newcomer ‘Bel Powley’ plays precautious teenager Minnie, who records her thoughts about sex on cassette tapes in her bedroom. Her first entry reads: ” I had sex today -Holy Shit!! ” and then we find out she has set her sights on a much older man,her mother’s boyfriend…  A somewhat inapropiate relationship ensues. For all the whimsy ( Minnie daydreams in cartoon form) , the film has its dark moments. It’s funny,sad,dreamy and disturbing in so many ways. I still want to recommend it……

Are you thinking about booking yourself a City Break in 2016?   I’m sending out big hints to my other half……with my recent purchase of a Supertime Amsterdam Map from Herb Lester Associates  These quirky little travel maps are guides to the Usual and the Unusual and cover most of the major cities you might want to explore. My Amsterdam map shows me a few of its more obscure attractions ( with detailed descriptions on the back) such as Europe’s oldest comic book shop, a museum devoted to all things feline and a microbrewery in a former bathhouse.


The maps are handy pocket size, printed on 100% recycled paper and cost £4 each. 🙂

Lastly if you are thinking about adding some pretty Vintage touches to your home but don’t have time to shop around for gorgeous nic naks , then you may just fall in love with The Vintage House That Could  Vintage Styling Kits.  This inspirational blogger searches high and low for beautiful things and posts out adorable kits to your home.

Image ~~ Bloggers Belief.

The kits contain a beautiful storage suitcase,  a charming vintage book,  a milk bottle ( will make a fab vase) , a rather sweet vintage teacup & saucer, a pretty postcard, a set of twinkley copper lights, washi tape and a surprise gift. They cost £40. Check out this wonderful review by Blogger’s Belief. 

Have you discovered any new things this month?