25 Food Questions Tag.

1)What’s your favourite Breakfast?

A real breakfast treat for me is pancakes. With blueberries,maple syrup and bacon. Oh yes 🙂

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2. How do you drink your coffee?

Strong and Black.

Bath ,Cornwall & Devon 131

3. What’s on your favourite sandwich?

BLT is probably my favourite. A bacon buttie always goes down well. And fish finger butties!

4. Soup or Salad?

Hmm salad at the moment but pea and mint soup, otherwise. 🙂


5. What’s your favourite cookbook?

I love my slow cooker at the moment so I have a few hamlyn slow cooking recipe books. I like dipping into ‘Miss Dahl’s Voluptuous Delights’ by Sophie Dahl. ;). And ‘The Vintage Tea Party Book’ by Angel Adore is always a treat to open up and gaze at  the pictures. 🙂 To be honest my OH is the main cook in this house. I’m usually the washer upper.

6. No more sweets or no more hearty foods?

I definitely have a sweet tooth …..and how could I give up all those afternoon teas??


7. What’s your favourite Cuisine?

This is soo hard. I have recently bought a persian cookbook by Sabina Ghayour. All the pictures look amazing.

8. What’s your favourite food movie?

It’s not really a food movie but ‘Under The Tuscan Sun’ has a companion recipe book  that includes Italian dishes Diane Lane’s character Frances feeds her friends in the film. And I love the film! oh and you can’t beat a Bridget jones dinner party. Blue string soup anyone?

tuscan sun
Under The Tuscan Sun.

9. What’s your most guilty pleasure?

Umm peanut butter ….with marmite…on toast. This will probably provoke a eurghh response. 🙂

10. What’s your greatest inspiration source?  Anyone who can cook is an inspiration!


11. Cooking at home or going out for dinner?

Going out to dinner.

12. High end or low profile?

Like Bev I’m not sure what this question means. High end must be posh nosh right! I prefer a more relaxed dining experience.

13. What’s your favourite restaurant? 

If I’m in Clitheroe, probably the The Emporium which has comfy sofas and yummy food ,but I’m always up for discovering new places. 🙂


14. I do my grocery shopping at:

My local supermarket and occasionally the market.

15. The tastiest food I’ve ever eaten was:

A friend’s homemade mac n cheese and Wil’s lemon & lime cake.

17. Coffee with George Clooney or Heston Blumenthal?

I would probably be rendered speechless if I had coffee with Mr Clooney. Heston B might be able to create something fantastical with the coffee. 🙂

18. What should not be missing in your kitchen?

A dishwasher! A Food Mixer. A Blender.

19. What is your favourite snack?


20. What’s on your pizza?

Tuna, tomatoes, mushrooms and olives.:)


21. What food do you really dislike?

I can’t abide finding prawns in vol au vents.


22. What’s your favourite food blog?

I don’t really read any specifically food blogs but I do enjoy following Roots and Toots  and Andrea’s Cooking With A Wallflower .

23. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?

Gosh I’m really unadventurous! I’ve eaten haggis,neeps and tatties in Edinburgh ( really good) but couldn’t bring myself to try the fermented dried shark snack in Iceland.

Image. Pinterest.

24. What’s on your food bucket list?

I love Bev’s idea of wanting to try  world cuisines in the countries or places they come from. So Tapas in Spain, Dutch pancakes in Amsterdam, Port in Porto etc etc 🙂

25. I couldn’t live without:


So I saw this post originally on Bev’s Blog and totally stole it from her. But I don’t feel to sorry as she stole it from Kerri 😉  I would love it if you joined in. Let me know if you do !


7 thoughts on “25 Food Questions Tag.”

  1. And Kerri stole it from someone else. Haha!

    Wow… that’s the poshest looking haggis, neeps and tatties I’ve ever seen!

    I would never have thought of putting blueberries with bacon, but now I want those pancakes! Nom nom!

  2. Haha!
    Not a piccie of the actual haggis,neeps and tatties but very close.Thats how it was presented.
    That pancake combo is perfect for breakfast.Yummy.:)

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