A Bird And A Poem ~ Robin.

When walking my dog it is most unusual not to  be accompanied by the chirpy song of a robin. These red breasted beauties seem to be our most friendliest little bird here in the UK.  Indeed they are our national bird and  have lots of links to the festive season too.

In Victorian times postmen wore red jackets, earning them the nickname ‘Robin Redbreasts’ . Christmas cards would feature feathered robins delivering cards , they soon became synonymous with Yuletide.

It is also said that when Mary was giving birth to baby Jesus , a fire that had been lit was so in danger of going out ,that a small brown bird flew close to fan the flame. A stray ember landed on the kindly birds breast causing the robin to gain it’s orangey red colouring.

Robins have appeared in many poems including the first verse of a childs nursery rhyme below.

The North Wind Doth Blow

The north wind doth blow,
And we shall have snow,
And what will poor robin do then?
Poor thing.

He’ll sit in a barn,
And keep himself warm,
And hide his head under his wing,
Poor thing!

Robins are actually very plucky little birds, more so than the poem suggests. In Edith Holden’s Country Diary of 1906 she recounted ‘ great battles among the Tits over the cocoa-nut, and once a Robin got right into it and refused to let the Tit approach, until he had all he wanted’ .

I note that the winter of 1906 woke to a snowy Christmas day morning. It looks like Edith’s garden visitors were well looked after though.

I am fortunate that my own feathered visitors  include a robin too.

Merry Christmas and thanks for reading.

30 thoughts on “A Bird And A Poem ~ Robin.”

  1. Thee is something special about Robins, they do come closer to us than any other bird. I saw one on our bird bath today. Hope you have a lovely Christmas:)

  2. A lovely seasonal post and delightful photos. Just “planted” an open nest box to hopefully encourage Mr & Mrs Redbreast to set up home. Fingers crossed. Wishing you, Wil and Hugo a Christmas full of cheer and a happy new year. Good health! 🥂

  3. What a sweet post, Shazza. I don’t know if we have that variety of robin here. We get visits from the American robin which looks a little different. They are one of my favorite birds.

  4. Robins show little fear of humans. Of late, I usually see several during my walks through the local woods and fields.
    And that poem takes me right back to my childhood. A long time ago now!
    Have a great Christmas Shaz. 🎅 🎄 ⛄️

  5. I’ve often wondered why robins are so synonymous with Christmas yet they are around all year. I love them and I’ve seen quite a few when I’ve been out on various dog walks 🙂

  6. Wow that robin poem just hurled me right back unexpectedly, to my infant school years. Don’t think I’ve heard it since then. As a creature of nostalgia I must say thank you 🙂

      1. Yes the forecast looks good for tomorrow, will be doing a distanced Xmas walk on Longridge Fell tracks with one of my sons. That’s the best I can do for this Christmas!

  7. Our garden is the lap over of two very quarrelsome robins and it makes for some entertaining activities at the bird table 🙂 all the best x

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