Orchids, Swans & Willow Sculptures in Skipton.

So, I tagged along on an organised walk by the Clitheroe Naturalists at the weekend, an amble a round the outskirts of the Yorkshire Dales town of Skipton, taking in the Leeds Liverpool Canal and Skipton Castle Woods.

The Clitheroe Naturalists don’t really have much of a social media presence, though one member does post photos of their flora & fauna finds on the Clitheroe Wildlife Facebook Page. Their walks schedule conveniently coincides with when my other half is working every other Saturday, they seem a friendly bunch, I could be tempted into  a future foray…..if they’ll have me. 🙂

Leeds & Liverpool Canal Skipton.
Wildflower Meadow just off Aireville Park.
Possibly some type of Marsh Orchid.
Marsh Orchid.
Common Spotted Orchid.

It’s always nice to wander along the canal side in Skipton. I am definitely one for checking out all the barges and wondering what it’s like to live on one!

Life on a barge.
Canal basin, Skipton.
Cutest Swan 🦢 family.
Gorgeous cygnets.
Cow Parsley along the canal side.

We followed the canal to Skipton Castle from where Skipton Castle Woods are well signposted. The ancient woodland has featured on my blog before and is home to some beautiful willow sculptures. Over time the sculptures are looking a bit more worn out , a bit more shabby. Yet it’s still wonderful to come across them in the woods.

Follow the signs.
Spirit of the Medieval Huntress by Anna & The Willow.
Woodland Trust Info Board.
Another Willow Sculpture.
Weir ,Eller Beck.
A shady view.
The Stalking Horse sculpture.
Emerging from the woods into fields above the town.

I quite enjoyed being out on a walk with fellow nature lovers. 😁🦢

23 thoughts on “Orchids, Swans & Willow Sculptures in Skipton.”

  1. I like Skipton, it’s a lovely little place but it’s several years since I was last there – I camped a few times at a lovely site in Cononley village about three miles from the town. I love the little dog on top of the narrowboat (they’re not barges, lol) and the cygnets look so cute 🙂

    1. I think I may have camped at the Cononley site too on first camping trip.:)
      I didn’t actually realise that a barge is different to a narrowboat. Now I do.😁

  2. We’ve been to Skipton several times (more ancestors from those parts!) & have always enjoyed it there. Your photos are great & bring back happy days, even when it rained. 🤗💐🙋‍♂️

  3. I almost misread the name of that organisation 🤦‍♂️
    Looks like you had a good sunny day in Skipton. I enjoyed a walk in the woods there back in late March, but it was cold and grey unlike the sunshine you had.

  4. Such a lovely walk. I love the Orchids. Did you see the very rare Lizard Orchid on tonight’s BBC Springwatch? It can only be seen in the south of the U.K.

  5. It sounds like you may have found yourself in a group of likeminded folk. Although in my haste, I initially read it as naturists. Oops!

    It’s been far too long since I last visited Skipton. I’m definitely overdue a fish and chip lunch by the canal.

    Those cygnets are gorgeous. Xx

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