Wildlife pics every day in October. Week One.

Inspired by the lovely Louise at Ramblings of a Roachling   , I have decided to take a photo of something ‘Wild’ every day this month. Louise who is a veteran of June’s ‘Thirty Days Wild’ is continuing with the ‘Wildness’ through October on her blog. I thought a picture a day , would be a great way to appreciate the changing seasons, as well as being  a nod to her enthusiasm!


1st October. A Robin rests on a signpost. Robins seem to be one of the less shy birds that I see when I’m out and about. Always asociated with Christmas, because of their cheery red breasts, it is also said if you see one on Valentines day…you will marry a sailor!


2nd October. A Red Admiral butterfly feasts on Ivy flowers. The gentle October Sunshine means that butterflies are still visiting my back yard. 🙂


3rd October. The sunny weather this week followed beautiful Sunrises  with gorgeous pink skies. The line from the old rhyme ‘Red Sky In The Morning , Shepherd’s Warning’  did not ring true.

4th October. Typical that when I spied these two lovelies, I didn’t have my good camera with me. Whilst walking Hugo through the fields I came accross a  Dipper with it’s bright white bib, bobbing and dipping in Mearley Brook. Dippers are small aquatic birds that can walk underwater to feed. I also saw a Goldfinch flittering amongst the dried yarrow seed heads by the riverside. In Autumn they are full of inscects which the finches feed on.I was alerted to this pretty bird by it’s musical notes. The collective name for a group of Goldfinches is a ‘charm’ taken from the Old English Charme and the Latin Carmen, meaning magical spell or song. 🙂


5th October.  I could not resist this beautiful pink Hydrangea in The Castle grounds. The summer flowers are so showy and bloom into Autumn.

 6th October.  One thing I love about Autumn is the abundance of Autumn fruits, nuts and seeds. Clitheroe  Castle Park is home to lots of Grey squirrels and it looks as though most of the Horse Chestnuts have been feasted upon already, judging by the amount of empty shells scattered around. I did find a couple of shiny brown ‘conkers’ that the rascals must have missed though.:)

7th October. Quite a miserable day weather wise , but I did notice the changing colours of leaves this morning on my way to work.

What have you noticed wildlife wise recently?

You can also bob along to Christine’s Blog and find out what she’s been photographing in October. 🙂

12 thoughts on “Wildlife pics every day in October. Week One.”

  1. Oh what a wonderful post! So much information too. I knew about goldfinch charms but didn’t know where the term came from. I have many visiting the feeders. Some lovely photos, and thanks for the mention 🙂 xx

      1. Just keep the feeder away from walls do the cats won’t jump on it. The birds will find the food. Good luck! Its worth a try and can’t wait to see what feathered visitors you get 🙂 x

  2. What a great idea! I have yet to see any conkers around despite lots of people going on about them! I took a walk to the forest the other day and it was unusually loud – think birds in the jungle loud – and then swarms of all sized birds swooping and chirping. On my way back the forest was spooky quiet…

    1. Very spooky! I do love a good forest walk.:) Have seen lots of shells but not many actual conkers.But I do think the grey squirrel population is expanding here.Loads in the park at the mo.

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