Sunday Sevens ~ July 3rd.

Hi I thought I would join in with Sunday Sevens this week ,as devised by Natalie at Threads And Bobbins. Here’s what I have got up to lately! 

We booked a break down in Cornwall at the lovely Spring Park in the Tamar Valley.I am beyond excited as it is somewhere I have wanted to stop  ,ever since I discovered the owner Kitty’s blog,a few years ago.She doesn’t blog anymore ~ I think she’s just to busy with the park,two dogs…. and a new baby. Spring Park is a collection of colourful Showman’s Wagons,all beautifully done up and decorated with vintage touches.We shall be staying in The Duke, which even has it’s own Hot Tub.Roll on August.:)

I had an Amazing Surprise this Week.I got a nice little windfall from claiming back a PPI refund!  If your a bit like me ,and really can’t be bothered with stuff like that,then I would advise you to give it a go anyway. It’s something you can do yourself over the phone,without going through a company. My bank ( Barclays) simply gave me a number to ring ,when we discovered I had been paying £6 a month for a ppi ,that I didn’t realise I had taken out. Six weeks later…….and I’m feeling quite flush.;) Silly story though,I went on a mini spending spree,got as far as buying the above new bag and sunglasses……and promptly lost my bank card! I had to cancel it and wait for a new one.Spending Spree temporarily over.What am I like!

This week has seen the Season Six Finale of That show. That tv show that literally makes my teeth chatter whenever I watch it. Game Of Thrones has gripped me from the very first episode.And now it looks like the next season could be the last! But if it is, its set up to be a humdinger.Is anyone out there a fan? I kid you not about my chattering teeth!!


Yesterday I went to the Races for the first time ever.I went with Wil and several of his old work colleagues,a trip they plan yearly. There were certainly elements to the day that I enjoyed.I enjoyed dressing up for a day out and seeing all the lovely ladies parading in beautiful dresses and hats. It was fun to sip cocktails and prosecco. It was even fun picking potential winners ( or losers in my case), but then there was the uncomfortable moment when one of the horses didn’t want to race. The poor thing was incredibly stressed as several of its trainers tried to push it blind folded into it’s starting block. Then some stupid moron shouted ‘shoot the thing’ because the horse refused to play by the rules. Luckilly in the end that particular horse and rider pulled out. But the situation did make me think, is this really such a good day out? What do you think about horse racing?

And finally I will leave you with two pictures from the Euros. I’m not really a football fan but I do enjoy a good tournament. And if I was actually a betting type,I would never have fancied my chances with either Wales or Iceland.Who knows ,one of these passionate nations may just reach the finals. Good luck with your match this evening Iceland. Can’t wait to hear that Haka like War Chant! 🙂

11 thoughts on “Sunday Sevens ~ July 3rd.”

  1. Lovely post! Your Cornwall trip sounds so exciting!! I dislike the races, always have, especially when the poor horses fall or are killed 😦 I can think of many other ways to enjoy myself than seeing animals suffer. x

    1. I’m really looking fwd to Cornwall. 🙂 I think the reason I have never been before is that very reason.I’ve given it a go.Maybe I could persuede them to do something different next year.:)

  2. Just had a look at the place you’re staying in Cornwall. It’s not far from us. Looks very interesting. I don’t agree with horse racing. Greyhound racing I think even worse, with thousands of three year old dogs being put down every year because they’re past they’re racing prime. And we’re supposed to be a civilised country! 😦

    1. I had no idea Spring Park was so close to you.I can’t wait to go.:) Greyhound racing is a no no for me too.My friend has a greyhound rescue called Cassie. X

      1. It’s not far, but about 40 mins because the roads are so thin. Give me a shout if your other half is distracted elsewhere and you fancy a cuppa.

  3. Your spot in Cornwall looks amazing, I love a quirky holiday stay.

    I am also a huge game of thrones fan, 10 months until the next instalment, this series was the best yet. Think I’ll reread the books over the winter.

    I am also not a fan of horse racing, I have been once for ladies day at Aintree for a hen do, but think that it is not worth horses dying for our entertainment.

    1. Hi Naomi thanks for the comment. Yes I love a quirky holiday too. Have stopped in a Shepherd’s hut in the Lakes before which was fun. you of course stayed in a church. very quirky! Game of Thrones is sooo good. I don’t know how I will do without it for another Ten Months! Well I’ve been and done the day at the races now. I think it will be my last. X

      1. I saw your post about the Lake district shepherd’s hut, we stayed in one in Kent in February, which was amazing.
        We’re off camping soon, but are staying in a potting shed on the way back, I’ll post all about it towards the end of the month. It looks pretty luxurious for a shed!

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