Hawthorn’s Photo Scavenger Hunt ~ April.

Hello there, I am joining in with Hawthorn’s Photo Scavenger Hunt once again. This month I have had to rummage round in the archives for my pictures. Feeling like a Time Traveller!

Rock. Back when Hugo was a pup we took him on holiday to Baycliff in Cumbria. Our holiday cottage was right on the beach so everyday was spent taking walks along the sands. In his puppy days Hugo didn’t like water very much. Here he is 5 months old and marooned on a rock. Bless him. 😙

Swirl. I spent a little while looking for swirls and whirls and ended up settleing for this bright display of swirly plates I saw in Essaoirra in Morocco some years ago. Also tagines make purrfect cat beds. Obviously.

Wood. I don’t go to many art exhibitions but a hanging display in the woodland of Grizedale Forest back in 2009 was a really effective gallery, I thought.

Balance. 2009 was also the year we went to the South of France…and found ourselves in Cannes, when its famed film festival was showing. Pictured is a rather dapper mime, balancing two white ( and very real) cats in his arms. Very bizarre.

Letter. In those days Brangelina was still a thing and this banner is a love letter to Brad Pitt and his then wife Angelina Jolie. The crowds were waiting for the star couple to tread the red carpet. Brad’s film ‘Inglorious’ was showing at the festival. We waited too…but alas not long enough! Our friends who we were holidaying with ,had an understandably cranky 18 month old with them. Brangelina were fashionably late of course and babies and international film events don’t really mix. C’est la vie.

My own choice. To show we were really there, early morning at the 62nd Festival De Cannes.

See what the other scavenger hunters have found over on kates blog.

26 thoughts on “Hawthorn’s Photo Scavenger Hunt ~ April.”

  1. I KNEW you could do it 🙂 clever you and at such short notice! If you tried to link and couldn’t I have sorted out the gremlin, thank you for joining in. My favourite? A marooned pup ! x

  2. Great blog! I went to Essaoirra many years ago. I brought a Tagine home, carefully packed in my suitcase within layers of clothing. I still use it now! 🙂 Back then, you would never find such an exotic item in a UK shop. The white cats are fascinating. I wonder how he trains them to stay so still. None of my cats would do that! Did you actually see signs of life?

    1. Well done on getting the tagine home safe and sound. Its lovely that you have such a fantastic memento of your trip. Essaoirra is somewhere I would love to visit again. Such a photogenic place! Yes the cats were alive. I did watch them for quite a long time. My Slinky definitely would not stay still. In fact she objects to me picking her up at all. X

      1. What a relief! I had wondered if they had been ‘preserved’! I don’t use the tagine that often, but I love the way that the clay has absorbed the spices and other flavours over the years. A friend cooks with her tagines quite often and builds a little ‘stove’ outside using bricks and charcoal. Very authentic! I just use put heat diffuser over my gas ring. I recall the very hot coach journey to Essaoirra from Agadir where I stayed on that first Moroccan visit. We passed through some tiny hamlets in the middle of nowhere and women came out to the coach to sell us their hand made jewellery and snacks. Did you see the goats climbing into the trees to eat the Argan fruits? 🙂 Argan was another thing that’s very trendy now but which nobody here had heard of back in 2002 when I brought some back with me.

      2. I have been to Morocco twice. Once to Agadir, where on a trip I did see the tree climbing goats! I did buy some Argan oil shampoo but I didn’t find it very kind to my hair. That was only one try though. Went to Essaoirra and Marrakech on another holiday. Marrakech was amazing but so so hot. I was very happy to get to Essaoirra ,which was about twenty degrees cooler ~ still a summery 24 though. 😁

      3. Marrakech is amazing! A friend lived there for a couple of years so I was lucky enough to be able to stay with her. It seems such a long time ago! I never travel beyond northern/western Europe now. I can just about tolerate a couple of hours on a plane 😀

      4. Oh wow that must have been so handy for holidays. 🙂
        I really dont like flying and I haven’t flown for nearly 4 years. Hopefully next year we will get something booked though. There are still so many places I want to visit. X

  3. As soon as I saw the header photo I had an ‘awww’ moment at the cats in the picture, especially the tiny one 🙂

    Great photos when you did it at short notice, I love the one of Hugo marooned on the rock 🙂 🙂

    1. There were lots of cats in Morocco and all looked pretty healthy thank goodness. Hugo was such a softy as a pup. He loves water now, but has always been more of a dipper than a swimmer. 🙂

  4. Like most of the previous comments, Hugo on the rock is wonderful. How long did you leave him stranded before you went to rescue him? I must stir myself and go to Grizedale Forest….

    1. Oh not very long. Plus the water was really shallow. He just didn’t like it touching his paws. Not like that now though! Grizedale has a great sculpture trail , if you ever make it there. x

  5. I wouldn’t be surprised if when anyone bought a pot, there would be a kitten snoozing inside it. 😁. Cannes was fun! Though didn’t manage to see any real life movie stars. X

  6. How wonderful! I love Rock for your puppy and also Swirl and Balance lovely to see the cats included in both. Cannes looks very warm and very glamorous:)

  7. Great photos. I always go to the archives first there is always something there. Love Hugo

    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  8. Aw the poor wee dog – he looks so helpless and cute 🙂 And the swirly plates and tagines would definitely be nice and warm for a cat! We were in Cannes a few years back for a media festival in the same building where the film festival happens – it definitely didn’t have its glamour on – good catch of the fans waiting for Brad and Angelina.

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